result count: 15

SC_422789Can you tell me what happened in the forest?
SC_422789_1I've told it a thousand times. I watched Buffy run towards the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest]. I was scared that I would lose him, so I followed him into the forest. It was an emergency. Why else would I go in there by myself without any weapons? There are lots of terrifying stories about the forest.
SC_422789_2But hasn't Buffy been dead for many years?
SC_422789_3You're just like [113624|Bulimin]! And everyone else in the village! They all gang up on me...\n\nI get it. You all want me to think that Buffy is dead so you can secretly keep him for yourselves! Get out...I have nothing more to say to someone like you. Get out of my house!
SC_422789_4So that's it. Buffy was so cute that losing him broke your heart?
SC_422789_5Yes! Ever since Buffy vanished I've felt dead inside. Loneliness and emptiness eat away at me. So when I saw Buffy standing at the edge of the forest, you can imagine how excited and relieved I was!\n\nThen I followed Buffy into the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest], without giving it second thought.
SC_422789_6Did you find him?
SC_422789_7([113625|Reisman] shakes his head)\n\nI did find him, at first! He was in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest], stopped next to a mound of some kind. Then he ran around and around the mound, barking happily. I thought Buffy was calling me over to help him dig something out of the mound.\n\nSo I went over and using both hands, started to pull away at the earth. Soon after, a beautiful, jewel encrusted sword hilt appeared in the mound...a glimmering, mesmerizing thing, as bright and as lively as Buffy's eyes. But by the time I had finally removed it, Buffy had disappeared!\n\nI ran around and around the forest like a crazy person looking for him, but didn't find a trace of him...
SC_422789_8[113625|Reisman] is angry. He turns away and ignores you.\n\n(Wait a moment and perhaps [113625|Reisman] will calm down. Maybe you could look for some of Buffy's items in the room, attract [113625|Reisman's] interest and get him talking to you again...)
SC_422789_9Ah! That's Buffy's play ball. Whenever I see that ball it reminds of the happy life we had together. I can't stay angry at you Buffy... Where have you run off to? I miss you dearly...
Sys422789_nameReisman, the Dog Lover
Sys422789_szquest_accept_detailThis is how it happened...\n\nA few days ago, my older brother [113625|Reisman] suddenly rushed into the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] and didn't return home until midnight, then he came down with a serious illness. Everybody was curious about what happened to him in the forest. I wouldn't have thought that [113625|Reisman] would say that he saw his missing dog Buffy. He entered the forest to chase him.\n\nThis frightened everybody because Buffy was killed years ago by a bite from a wild beast. But [113625|Reisman] persisted in saying that he really saw Buffy and thought that everybody was lying to him by saying that Buffy had died, so he refused to talk to anybody because he felt wronged. He ran to live in the lumber yard building and wouldn't even take any medicine to get better.\n\n[113625|Reisman] is still very weak and I'm afraid his condition will worsen. Please bring this bowl of [206139|Water Bone Leaf Soup] to him and ask [113625|Reisman] about what happened in the forest. I hope that [113625|Reisman] will be polite to you when he sees you are a guest and I hope he'll talk to you a bit.
Sys422789_szquest_complete_detailI brought that sword back. Buffy guided me to that sword.\n\nBuffy knew that I wanted to outdo the village's brave [113626|Jaber], and that I was always training so he brought me this sword to increase my power.\n\nWhen Buffy went missing, I lost my drive to defeat the brave [113626|Jaber] and I stopped training. Now that Buffy brought this sword, I can try again! I'll live up to Buffy's kindness.
Sys422789_szquest_descBring the [206139|Water Bone Leaf Soup] to the lumber yard building near the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest], give it to [113625|Reisman], and ask [113625|Reisman] about what happened in the forest.
Sys422789_szquest_uncomplete_detailWho are you? What do you want from me?