result count: 10

SC_422791What are you looking for?
SC_422791_0It seems there's something else under the mound.
SC_422791_1Treasure? Taking Master [113629|Androth's] holy sword wasn't enough for you, huh?
SC_422791_2That's Master [113629|Androth's] holy sword! We protect the sword for Master and await Master's return...
SC_422791_3If you know the whereabouts of the holy sword, you have to return it to us, otherwise Master will be very upset when he returns and discovers it gone...
Sys422791_nameBuffy's Treasure
Sys422791_szquest_accept_detailThose ghosts, I know they still haven't given up! Can you help me escape them? Since those ghosts were just shouting at me to give the sword to them, that should be related to the fact that I brought this sword back from the forest...\n\nPlease come with me to check out the place that I dug up the sword. I really don't dare go back there on my own...
Sys422791_szquest_complete_detailYou say that this sword was owned by a person named [113629|Androth] a thousand years ago? I didn't realize it had such a long history... Considering that [113628|William] has been protecting his master's sword even after death, I couldn't help but feel that I shouldn't have taken that sword...
Sys422791_szquest_descReturn to the place where [113625|Reisman] dug up the sword. The [113631|Buried Item Mound] is in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] to the north of the lumber yard. Try to find the connection between the ghosts and the sword.
Sys422791_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe pile of dirt that I dug the sword up from is in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest]. Have you found any clues there?