result count: 4

Sys422793_nameConflicting Stories
Sys422793_szquest_accept_detailI just ran into a young girl who asked me to help her. She said that a robber stole her purse, then ran into the lumber yard building. I hoped to help her get her purse back, so I entered [113625|Reisman's] building to get a weapon.\n\nBut when I entered [113625|Reisman's] building, I encountered the masked robber inside. He was holding a purse and said that he kicked out the person that lived here and that I should go too.\n\nI angrily hit out at the masked robber and I took the purse back to that young girl. Later I made a point to go see [113625|Reisman], but I wasn't able to find him. So why is [113625|Reisman] saying that I stole his sword?\n\nGo back and tell [113625|Reisman] that I won't argue with him as a favor between brothers, but if he wants to continue spreading rumors, \nhe shouldn't be surprised if I'm not too friendly with him.\n\nSeriously... Ever since [113625|Reisman] returned from the forest, something hasn't been right with him...
Sys422793_szquest_complete_detail[113624|Bulimin] said he didn't attack me and didn't steal my sword?\n\nWhat lies! I didn't get these injuries by tripping and falling!
Sys422793_szquest_descPass on [113624|Bulimin's] words to [113625|Reisman].