result count: 9
keystring | eneu |
SC_422795 | What happened in this village? |
SC_422795_1 | I remember when I was very small creeping into the forest to play. One time I stumbled across a sword stuck inside a mound. At the time I was so happy to find something precious and I took it home and hid it under my bed. But after that I started hearing a terrible voice that wanted me to return the sword to him... \n\nI didn't dare tell any grownups. If they found out I had been playing in the forbidden forest, they would have taught me a serious lesson. Growing more and more anxious, I grabbed my chance and buried the sword in the forest. It's weird- afterwards I never heard that strange voice again. |
SC_422795_2 | (It sounds a lot like what happened to [113625|Reisman]...) |
SC_422795_3 | It seems I'm not the only one this has happened to. Several decades later I heard that another one had brought back a sword from the forest. Weird stuff happened then too, including a run in with ghosts! People started attacking the sword finder out of the blue, and then denied ever attacking him. Scared out of his wits, he refused to go near the forest or the sword... so he asked the intrepid [113626|Jaber] to take the sword back for him. |
Sys422795_name | Strange Things in the Village |
Sys422795_szquest_accept_detail | As for what happened between [113625|Reisman] and [113624|Bulimin], it wasn't the first time something like this happened. I'll tell you all about it! |
Sys422795_szquest_complete_detail | The older generation all know that the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] is cursed, so none of them dare bring anything out from the forest and don't even dare speak about the place. As a consequence, young people only know that entering the forest is forbidden, but have never heard about the strange things that happened... |
Sys422795_szquest_desc | Listen to Elder [113627|Bocelli] tell of the strange things that happened in the village. |
Sys422795_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Let me tell you about what happened... |