result count: 4

Sys422797_nameWhere it Comes From is Where it Goes
Sys422797_szquest_accept_detailDo you remember the ghost called [113628|William] in the forest?\n\nEver since you told me about him, I've had him in my heart... Although this probably isn't the right analogy, he made me think of Buffy... The loyalty to their master is the same... (A tear runs down [113625|Reisman's] face)\n\nBut now I don't have the sword and after what happened I don't know if I should go look for it... If even [113624|Bulimin] can...because of this possessed and attack me, who knows who I might injure next...\n\nSince you've already talked to him once, could I trouble you to go to the forest and say sorry to [113628|William]? I'm not able to give the sword back to him.
Sys422797_szquest_complete_detailThat guy really doesn't have the sacred sword? Where did the sword go?\n\n(You tell [113628|William] all about how the sword was lost.)
Sys422797_szquest_descEnter the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest] and tell [113628|William] of how the sword was lost.