result count: 10

SC_422802May I borrow [113709|Buffy II]?
SC_422802_1[113709|Buffy II] has run off somewhere. Wait a bit and he'll be back.
SC_422802_2[113709|Buffy II] sniffs at the ground...
SC_422802_3Looks like [113709|Buffy II] has found something!
SC_422802_4[113709|Buffy II] is barking at the weird stone tablet up ahead!
Sys422802_nameAnimals Know
Sys422802_szquest_accept_detailIf you want to know where that girl is, I'm sorry, I can't give you any relevant information... Ah! Wait, I thought of a way. Maybe you could try your luck.\n\nAfter I helped her get her stolen purse back, she gave me a golden pendant as a thank you. It looked very valuable. Even though I resisted, the lady persisted in giving it to me.\n\nThat pendant has the lady's fragrance on it. If I get my dog, [113709|Buffy II], to follow the scent, maybe you can find her...
Sys422802_szquest_complete_detail[113709|Buffy II] stops in front of the [113726|Mottled Stone Tablet] and barks at the stone tablet.
Sys422802_szquest_descAsk [113624|Bulimin] to borrow [113709|Buffy II], then follow him as he tracks down the lady.
Sys422802_szquest_uncomplete_detail(This is a completely normal looking stone tablet...)