result count: 11

SC_422803I followed [113624|Bulimin's] dog here. I wonder what's so special about that stone tablet.
SC_422803_1Oh...[113624|Buliman's] cutie pie [113709|Buffy II] brought you here! I wondered what kind of relation there was between you and that strange young lady.\n\nThe reason I say that is that the young lady has spent hours studying this stone tablet, turning it this way and that. It's so bizarre!
SC_422803_2Do you know where that girl has gone?
SC_422803_3I don't know where she's got to. In fact I want to ask her something myself...Ah! I'm sorry. We haven't been introduced. I am an assistant to the sorceress, Madame Fanchi, the owner of this house. No one in the village really believes she is a true sorceress, but she is passionate about magic. Her room is full of strange magical items. It's my job to look after these items and also assist Madame Fanchi in her studies.\n\nBut after that girl's visit I noticed the wooden dolly next to the stone tablet has disappeared! I don't have any proof that she took it, but right now there is no other explanation. I want to ask her about it. Maybe she knows something...
SC_422803_4Looks like we're all looking for that girl...
SC_422803_5You're looking for her too! Using a bit of magic and divination I can calculate her direction, but I'll need some materials.
Sys422803_szquest_accept_detailI see that you are looking at that stone tablet, is there something odd about it?\n\nThere was also a girl looking at it not long ago. I'm curious about why you this tablet is so worthy of attention. Could it be that this stone tablet is magic?
Sys422803_szquest_complete_detailFanchi isn't home now. I'm worried that when I go out to gather materials, somebody will break in and steal something again. Since our goals are the same, let's work together!
Sys422803_szquest_descAnswer [113630|Sprier's] questions.
Sys422803_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat's so special about this stone tablet?