result count: 17

SC_422812_1Something is wrong with [113685|Namidas]. Please wait for me for a moment. ([113633|Narfas] seems very weak.)
SC_422812_10This is my crime.
SC_422812_11Cannot hide... I need to prepare...
SC_422812_12Go back...
SC_422812_2[$PLAYERNAME], follow me.
SC_422812_3Don't be too nervous. After cleansing, everything will return to normal.
SC_422812_4Wait a minute, I'll conduct a soul healing first.
SC_422812_5I need you to first weaken them so that I can continue my cleansing work. The weaker they are, the stronger the power of the cleansing becomes.
SC_422812_6You've done very well. I can start the deep cleansing.
SC_422812_7Cleansing speeds up the death of these creatures...
SC_422812_8I'm so tired I didn't notice that there is an anti-cleansing spell on these creatures.
SC_422812_9Causing these innocent creatures to lose their lives.
Sys422812_nameCleansing Together
Sys422812_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME], you must trust in yourself at all times. Precious is the soul that never surrenders.\n\nLet [113685|Namidas] rest here! \nTime will slowly heal helplessly wandering souls.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], follow my footsteps, cleanse everything, weaken their power, let those lost souls regain their calm, OK?
Sys422812_szquest_complete_detailHow long does it take for a broken heart to heal?\n\nI've never been so sad before, so pained. Her soul was invaded by darkness, broken, but I was unable to help...\n\nA thousand years have passed, yet [102804|Tiyana] is still suffering in darkness to this day...and she even hurt those unfortunate animals.\n\nFor a thousand years, I've been in this hero's tomb unable to move... If my injuries could heal faster, perhaps I could have found [102804|Tiyana] sooner...but now it's too late.
Sys422812_szquest_descFollow [113633|Narfas'] footsteps towards the entrance of the cave and weaken the power of the animals you see so that she can easily cleanse them.
Sys422812_szquest_uncomplete_detailFollow my footsteps, cleansing will cause the lost souls to regain their peace.