result count: 20

SC_422825_0Evil pulsing blood...Black water king elemental king energy...heart...wooden puppet...
SC_422825_1Store the memories I want in the dark core of [113668|Inmakat]... At this moment, your soul fragment is all that remains...
SC_422825_10[113673|Androth] is already gone. What good will making a puppet do?
SC_422825_11Right! He is gone, and that's because of you!
SC_422825_12Even if I have to sacrifice my soul, even if you try to stop me, I will make wait and see!
SC_422825_13Adventurer, are you ok?
SC_422825_14I'll go back to the village and see what's going on.
SC_422825_2It's been so long since I felt this kind of sweet trembling, like the first time I captured [113673|Androth]...
SC_422825_3Soon, the feel of his embrace. Look! So beautiful...after battle with the King of the Water, your soul will become more radiant...
SC_422825_4You are excellent...not only were you easy to deceive, you accepted all my demands. Unfortunately, my heart's perfection is only him, [113673|Androth].
SC_422825_5A thousand years ago I couldn't save him, but at least I could make a puppet like him, to obey me and not be under the spell of that woman [113633|Narfas]. You can be a part of him...
SC_422825_6"[113810|Tiyana]" - my name, you can call me this. Because when I have pulled out your soul fragment and merged it with his body, you will always remember this name, and be with me forever.
SC_422825_7I'm overcome...Dear [$PLAYERNAME], from this moment on, your soul belongs to me...
SC_422825_8Lost soul...[113810|Tiyana]...don't continue in error...
SC_422825_9Humph! [113633|Narfas], you shirking guy, don't look at me with disgusting pity...
Sys422825_nameThe Truth
Sys422825_szquest_accept_detailDo you know what the final part is?\n\nA perfect soul fragment.\n\nThis part is the most key and also the hardest to get. I've been thinking about where to get one...but now... Is there a beautiful soul within reach?\n\n(It's as if [113665|Ayesha] is enveloped in darkness. She doesn't even attempt to cover her cruel smile.)
Sys422825_szquest_complete_detail[$PLAYERNAME], don't be sad, this isn't your fault.\n\n[113691|Tiyana's] soul is deep in darkness. In the gloom and fear, she gradually lost her mind, so we have to stop her before she makes any more mistakes.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], please tell me. What have you learned during these days?
Sys422825_szquest_descGet the truth from [113665|Ayesha].
Sys422825_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow many years must a soul that has fallen into the darkness endure until they are able to be freed from the pain?