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SC_422826_0Lieutenant [113628|William]?
SC_422826_0_1[113691|Tiyana] has [113661|William's] memory fragment!
SC_422826_0_2[113673|Androth] collapses because of [113633|Narfas'] [206187|Guardian Stone]!
SC_422826_0_3[113691|Tiyana] uses a spell to take [113628|Willam's] memory fragment!
SC_422826_1You...who are you? Have I seen you somewhere before?
SC_422826_10Master, is this a dream? I've waited so long! The Paladin's Sword has finally returned to your hands. I've been waiting for this moment for a thousand years.
SC_422826_11[113691|Tiyana]? You mean this is my subordinate?
SC_422826_12Your loyal subordinate from a thousand years ago. After you became the Bloodlord, in order to procure a suitable sword, I came here...did you forget?
SC_422826_13It looks like I need more memory fragments to help you.
SC_422826_14[113628|William's] silhouette begins to shake and groan.
SC_422826_15Impossible...Impossible...How can the master be the Bloodlord?
SC_422826_16I don't remember, but I also don't remember such a useless piece of trash. Can't even protect a this your so-called loyalty?
SC_422826_17[113628|William's] silhouette trembles and mutters to itself.
SC_422826_18When I was killed, I did suspect the one who killed me used a sword like the master's...too similar...too similar.
SC_422826_19But I never believed the doubt in my heart. You are not my master, you cannot be my master.
SC_422826_2You don't remember? A thousand years ago, you looked at me with disdain, standing beside [113673|Androth].
SC_422826_20Even after losing most of my memories, I still know one thing. Things that shouldn't exist still shouldn't exist in this world.
SC_422826_21I will give you release.
SC_422826_22Ah, with this memory fragment, you will remember more of the past, my [113673|Androth].
SC_422826_23Remember? Oh...
SC_422826_25Damn, [113633|Narfas] again...
SC_422826_27Go back and tell [113633|Narfas] that a thousand years of resentment must be settled! The place is [ZONE_DEMONSCAR|Demon's Scar]! This time, I will let her taste my thousand years of suffering.
SC_422826_28[113628|William], [113633|Narfas] wants me to transfer the [206187|Guardian Stone] to you.
SC_422826_29[206187|Guardian Stone]? You mean the Goddess wants you to transfer the [206187|Guardian Stone] to me? I...don't understand the meaning...\n\nIs this related to the missing Paladin's Sword? The honor I guarded with my life? Where is it now?
SC_422826_3You? That demon who is suspicious of Master?
SC_422826_30[113628|William], I...
SC_422826_4Humph! Stubborn words are always unpleasant to hear. That demon is me, but your master has always belonged to me.
SC_422826_5Shut up, you can't slander the master.
SC_422826_6Slander? You're wrong. [113673|Androth] wanted to stay by my side.

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