result count: 16

SC_422855_0Not yet. I'm preparing to meet her soon.
SC_422855_1How about...[$PLAYERNAME], after a bit I'll go and discuss matters of attraction and power with Lady [113282|Mynarvis]. You needn't make the trip. Quickly get to [ZONE_MOUNT AL TURAJ|Aotulia Volcano], ugh... Give the [206389|Stone of Nature] to Lady [113282|Mynarvis] as soon as you get back.
SC_422855_10[$PLAYERNAME], [113945|Artaher] will travel with you. He can help. May the Holy King protect you on this journey.
SC_422855_2Okay, Elder [113274|Arlofled].
SC_422855_3Don't forget to prepare travel provisions before you leave.
SC_422855_4Father, please permit me to go with this adventurer to [ZONE_MOUNT AL TURAJ|Aotulia Volcano].
SC_422855_5The Naga and unknown perils lurk beyond the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier]. Are you sure, [113945|Artaher]?
SC_422855_6Our family must help bring back the [206389|Stone of Nature], father. Hasn't protecting the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] been our sacred duty for a thousand years?
SC_422855_7Okay, for the sake of our family and the King's mission, that's my boy!
SC_422855_8Thanks Dad. I won't disappoint you.
SC_422855_9Adventurer, let's meet on the slopes of [ZONE_MOUNT AL TURAJ|Aotulia Volcano] on the other side of the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier].
Sys422855_nameSearch of Great Importance
Sys422855_szquest_accept_detail(After [113274|Arlofled] reads the letter, he cautiously clutches the [206382|Hermit Letter] close to his chest.)\n\nI understand now. This is how the Bodos' elemental chaos was originally caused.\n\nDo you remember? In order to preserve the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier's] passage, the Eye of Wisdom asked you to find some ingredients for casting spells. These materials were actually not used at the time the barrier was set up. A thousand years after the Barrack poured elemental power into the Bodo village, it formed a power balancing bridge with the elementals of this place. The Barrack absorbed the elementals and turned them into power to open the passage. Thus, the elementals became unbalanced. \n\nThe letter from that person mentioned that the current plan is to entirely channel the [206389|Stone of Nature's] power into the currently incomplete the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] to restore it to its original state and have it provide the power required to open the passage. This requires [113282|Mynarvis]. Only she is able to take on the massive job of balancing and pouring the power.\n\nCan you tell [113282|Mynarvis] the good news?
Sys422855_szquest_complete_detailAdventurer, you've made me wait so long! The foraging otyughs have all eaten and returned to their lairs. I remember that you left the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower] a bit earlier than me, right?
Sys422855_szquest_descAfter talking to [113274|Arlofled], go to [ZONE_MOUNT AL TURAJ|Aotulia Volcano] and meet with [113945|Artaher].