result count: 29

SC_422857_0A flash of light and new letters appear on top of the fortune stone.
SC_422857_1Good wood doesn't grow in fair weather. Adversity breeds strength.
SC_422857_10Easy come, easy go.
SC_422857_11You still have to do your best fighting the darkness, even if it is indeed destined to consume everything in the end.
SC_422857_12More haste, less speed.
SC_422857_13The shadow of the past lies across our path.
SC_422857_14Get what you want. Enjoy what you have.
SC_422857_15Open your eyes. Still waters run deep.
SC_422857_16Observe the vast sky and flickering stars and your heart will know peace.
SC_422857_17Good fortune attends the person you are now.
SC_422857_18This fortune stone shows that your destiny is filled with infinite possibilities.
SC_422857_19Starlight guides you, so that you don't lose your way in dark alleys.
SC_422857_2A little pot is soon hot.
SC_422857_20Great hunters never toy with their prey. That's why nobody ever said that desire is great.
SC_422857_22I've seen the words on the fortune stone. Now I want to give these stones back to you.
SC_422857_23Ugh... You forgot to bring the fortune stone with you?
SC_422857_24Cherish the things the stars have told you, eager Traveler, and starlight will forever light your way.
SC_422857_3Select your companions carefully.
SC_422857_4A little learning is a dangerous thing.
SC_422857_5Wandering adventurers never choose their own direction, but graciously accept "unlimited" invitations.
SC_422857_6You can do anything you set your mind to.
SC_422857_7Cross a river at its shallowest point.
SC_422857_8Great power lies dormant in the recesses of your soul. Awaken it, and put it to use.
SC_422857_9Greedy fish are the easiest to catch.
Sys422857_nameCollect Centaur Fortune Stones
Sys422857_szquest_accept_detailWe centaurs can see the future in the stars.\n\nInvited guests will notice that we're always staring into the depths of the galaxy at night. We don't search for the future, but the stars send the future to our present eyes.\n\nYou who will travel a great distance, please collect the [<S>206408|Fortune Stones] scattered around the waterfalls, which record our observations of the stars. Then, please deliver the [<S>206868|Scattered Fortune Stones] to me. Your efforts will be rewarded.
Sys422857_szquest_complete_detailI will erase the [206408|Fortune Stone] so it can be used again.\n\nThis [206408|Fortune Stone] is for you. All of the contents are meant for the eyes of the one who collected it.\n\nStarlight shines in front of you, distant traveler.
Sys422857_szquest_descBring back 10 [<S>206868|Scattered Fortune Stones] to [114426|Anzomeda Bluestar].
Sys422857_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease go collect [<S>206868|Scattered Fortune Stones]. They contain messages from the stars to people under their protection.