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Sys422865_szquest_descMientras [113313|Shachis] celebra la ceremonia, usad continuamente el [114056|Contenedor de agua vacío] para reunir [114073|Agua sagrada del Maestro del Lago] de [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz]. Ofrecedla en sacrificio al tótem del Espíritu del Fuego ([113215|Tótem del Fuego]) para ayudar a [113313|Shachis] a finalizar la ceremonia.While [113313|Shachis] is holding the ceremony, continuously use the [114056|Empty Water Container] to gather [114073|Lake Master Prayer Water] from [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz] and offer it to the [113215|Fire Spirit Totem] to help [113313|Shachis] complete the ceremony.
Sys422865_szquest_uncomplete_detailSi perdéis el [114056|Contenedor de agua vacío], id al borde de [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz]'s [114073|Agua sagrada del Maestro del Lago] de [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz] para conseguir otro.If you lose the [114056|Empty Water Container], just go to the [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz's] [114073|Lake Master Prayer Water] to collect another one.

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