result count: 5

Sys422866_nameStrange Carving
Sys422866_szquest_accept_detailHoo...\n(Shaman [113313|Shachis'] body swayed for a second. Seems the ceremony was quite a burden for his weakened body.)\n\nThe Fire Spirit's will is still in chaos, if this carving is a kind of symbol...\nDo you see it?\n\nThere's a strange image on the carving... They say it is strange...but it is so warm... It gives people a feeling of yearning... But, who is he?\n\nGood Elves and good humans are the Bodos' friends. The scene I see... The Bodos were close friends with an Elf. I don't recognize this Elf. The Fire Spirit was here for a long time. He must know who he is. Did he use this carving to tell us now that I can't hear the Fire Spirit's voice?\n\nDoes the Fire Spirit mean that this Elf can save us all? I'm...not sure. Perhaps [113315|Rufa Chief] will be able to understand this.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], please help me by taking the [206388|Fire Spirit Vision Engraving] to [113315|Rufa Chief]. I need to rest a bit now...
Sys422866_szquest_complete_detailThis carving was obtained by Shaman [113313|Shachis] during a ceremony?\n\nIt is the same image as the carving left behind when the gods went into chaos. When they are combined, all becomes clear.
Sys422866_szquest_descTake the [206388|Fire Spirit Vision Engraving] to [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa's] [113315|Rufa Chief].
Sys422866_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe chaos of the gods, the Lake Master's past, the Fire Spirit... What are you trying to say?