result count: 21

SC_422870_0What can I do to help?
SC_422870_1Wait, you just need to...
SC_422870_10I haven't seen you in a while. Learned how to talk in circles like Humans do? Got the simple old you hidden away somewhere?
SC_422870_11So long as the village Bodos retain their simplicity.
SC_422870_12Well met... The good Elf was right. In my absence all responsibilities fell on your shoulders.
SC_422870_13...Chief? What did you just say?
SC_422870_14No, nothing...
SC_422870_15Hey- Why is everybody frowning? Isn't it great that the spirits took some time off too?
SC_422870_2It's the chief! The chief is back!
SC_422870_3Quick...quick! Flee! Hide!
SC_422870_4The It's the chief...
SC_422870_5Don't get in the chief's line of sight!
SC_422870_6Right. If you don't want to be hung by a tree, you better heed the Lake Master!
SC_422870_7It's the chief! The "Bodo Miracle-worker"! There is hope!
SC_422870_9Thank goodness the Lake Master showed you the road home.
Sys422870_nameThe Key
Sys422870_szquest_accept_detailThe harassment by the masked ones, and the relationship between the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] and the sacred [113301|Barrack] - both of these theories are likely. We don't yet have the key to determine which one is correct.\n\nHmm... Start checking at the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier]. The good Elf that the Fire Spirit made appear may have a symbolic meaning.\n\nAlong with several Shamans, I'll learn about the current changes to the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] . The human guards and researchers stationed at the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] should be of help, and you... There are some special matters that will require your attention.\n\nI'll tell you what you should do.
Sys422870_szquest_complete_detailThis time you really have been gone too long.\n\nThe reaction of the Bodos in our family made me miss home...\n\nTheir hidden skills are still very...lacking training...
Sys422870_szquest_descShaman [113288|Tibabus] wants to understand the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier]. Ask Shaman [113288|Tibabus] how you can help him.
Sys422870_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe sacred [113301|Barrack's] problem is due to the structure of the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier]. When you see the sight of the Great Banishment, you will understand.