result count: 4

Sys422872_nameUndefiable Orders
Sys422872_szquest_accept_detail(Sigh)... [114098|Hali] really is an...idiot...\n\nZurhidon is...too powerful... Anybody that resists ends up dead. I can't ignore their orders...let alone stop them...from sending an even more ruthless person to... destroy [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka]...\n\nDo you understand? I want to protect them...but I'm weak so this is the only way I can think of... I've already lost...too many family members. I can't accept the death of...any more people in [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka]...\n\nThe village's people are very kind-hearted... They are my most treasured brothers and sisters... [114098|Hali] is being protected in the village. I hope that he will always...have the purest heart...unlike me...\n\n(Sigh)... You came for the [206389|Stone of Nature]... It was taken away as soon as I brought it back. They stole it to give to that...terrifying monster...[102438|Sirloth]... Worthless me became like this... You had better not pursue this... It's very dangerous...dangerous...\n\nSorry... could... Could only be buried in [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka]... That is my...only\n\n(Before he finishes speaking [114099|Ajir] succumbs to his heavy wounds...)
Sys422872_szquest_complete_detail[114099|Ajir]!\nNo! What happened... He's very seriously injured...\n\nWhat can we do?\n\nCan [114099|Ajir] be saved?\n\nThe [206389|Stone of Nature] was given to a monster named [102438|Sirloth]. Who's he?\n\nNo! Let's think of a way to save [114099|Ajir]!
Sys422872_szquest_descBring the heavily injured [114099|Ajir] back to [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] and tell [114098|Hali] of the clue related to the [206389|Stone of Nature].