result count: 10

SC_422891_0¿Qué ha ocurrido?What happened?
SC_422891_1Yo tampoco sé lo que está sucediendo. Nuestros hermanos y hermanas que partieron no han vuelto a la aldea. Y tampoco [114099|Ajir]... Nunca volvieron a la aldea. Habíamos acordado formar un grupo de aventureros cuando me recuperase.\n\nUna vez salí de [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] con la intención de buscar a [114099|Ajir], pero me encontré con una criatura terrorífica al salir de la aldea. Me temblaban las piernas y empecé a llorar. Fue [114099|Ajir] quien me salvó... Estaba envuelto en un manto...\n\nReconocí el adorno que lleva en la cintura. Es lo único que su madre le dejó... Aún así negó su identidad. Me dijo que me fuera y que volviese a la aldea.\n\nPoco después, [113442|Yumidug] pasó por allí y me trajo de vuelta. Le dije que había visto a [114099|Ajir]. Con tristeza, me dijo que a sus compañeros les había pasado algo en el viaje de vuelta. Algunos hermanos y hermanas se vieron también envueltos. Muchos de ellos fueron retenidos por unos misteriosos encapuchados. Teme disgustar a su hermano, y por eso busca en secreto. Me pidió que no se lo contase a nadie...I don't know what's going on either. Our brothers and sisters who went out have still not returned to the village... nor has [114099|Ajir]... They never returned to the village. We had made clear arrangements to form an adventuring party once my health returned.\n\nOne time I snuck out of [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] to find [114099|Ajir], but I met some frightening creature outside the village. My legs turned to jelly and I started to cry. It was [114099|Ajir] who saved me... He was cloaked...\n\nI recognized the ornament he wears around his waist. Its the only thing his mother left him... But he denied it was him. He told me to scram and stay in the village...\n\nNot long after [113442|Yumidug] passed through that way and brought me back... I told him I had seen [114099|Ajir]. Bitterly he told me that something had happened to his companions on their return journey. Some of the brothers and sisters were also involved. Many were grabbed by mysterious Cloaked Ones. He's afraid it will upset his brother, so he searches in secret. He also asked me not to tell anyone...
SC_422891_2¿Qué? ¿Qué ha ocurrido?What? What happened?
SC_422891_3¿Cómo habéis venido a parar aquí?How did you come to be here?
SC_422891_4¿Tenéis la [206389|Piedra de la Naturaleza]?Got the [206389|Stone of Nature]?
Sys422891_nameRecuerdos de la infanciaPieces of Childhood
Sys422891_szquest_accept_detail[114099|Ajir] no es como esos extraños. Él es de [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka]. Confío en él.\n\n(A [114098|Hali] le tiemblan los labios mientras murmura.)\n\nCuando yo aún era pequeño, una vez vinieron unos forasteros con un aspecto muy diferente al nuestro. Trajeron muchas cosas que nunca antes habíamos visto y nos hablaron del mundo exterior...\n\nEra un mundo que yo nunca había imaginado. Era un mundo de magia misteriosa y de preciosas inscripciones. Un mundo de paz y romance.\n\n[114099|Ajir] estaba muy ligado a ellos. Cuando estábamos en la cueva, a menudo imaginaba cómo sería el mundo exterior y soñaba con los viajes que haría en el mundo exterior.\n\nEsta gente acabó con nuestra forma de vida anterior sin preocuparse por ello, después se marcharon sin previo aviso. Dijeron que sólo eran viajeros de paso y que debían seguir su camino.\n\nPor aquel entonces, muchos de los nuestros soñaban con irse con ellos. Incluido [114099|Ajir].\n\n[114099|Ajir], me prometió... Me dio su palabra...[114099|Ajir] isn't the same as those weirdoes. He's from [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka]. I trust him.\n\n([114098|Hali's] lips tremble as if he was muttering.)\n\nWhen I was still small, there was a time when some outsiders that looked very different from us came. They brought a lot of things that we had never seen before and told us of the outside world...\n\nThat was a world that I hadn't imagined. It was a world of mysterious magic and beautiful engravings. It was a world of peace and romance.\n\n[114099|Ajir] was strongly drawn to them. When we were in the cave, he often imagined the scenery of the outside world and the journeys that would be seen in the outside world.\n\nThose people destroyed our original life without warning, then also left without warning. They said that they were just passing travelers and had to return to their own paths.\n\nAt that time, many of us dreamt of leaving with them. This included [114099|Ajir].\n\n[114099|Ajir], he promised me... He definitely promised me...
Sys422891_szquest_complete_detailNo se lo dije a mi hermano mayor... porque confiaba en que Yumidug buscaría el modo de encontrarlos, pero tras saber lo que esos Zurhidon hicieron...\n\nSiento un miedo brutal... Yumidug no habría sido capaz de resistir a esa aterradora organización él solo...I didn't tell my older brother...because I trusted that Yumidug would certainly think of a way to find them, but after you told me about the things that those Zurhidon did...\n\nI finally felt true fear... Yumidug wouldn't have been able to withstand that terrifying organization on his own...
Sys422891_szquest_descEscuchad a [114098|Hali].Listen to [114098|Hali].
Sys422891_szquest_uncomplete_detailMe dio su palabra...He definitely promised me.