result count: 7

SC_422894_0Call [114107|Artaher].
SC_422894_1You're also here to stop me, am I right? No matter who? Get in my way and die!
Sys422894_nameCrazy Ending
Sys422894_szquest_accept_detail([114107|Artaher's] whole body shakes and his eyes do not meet yours.)\n\nWhy? I was so close to proving that I have the power to protect my whole race, power comparable to that of royalty...\n\nI don't understand, the king left a long time ago, why can't father replace him as the new king of the Elves?\n\nObviously...we are the ones that protect our race, the king left a long time ago... He didn't protect us, it has only been my father all the time...\n\nI won't recognize any king of the Elves other than my father. I won't even recognize the royal Isnasil.\n\n(Seems [114107|Artaher] has fallen into his own train of thought and is behavior is becoming increasingly deranged.)\n\nI absolutely will not recognize him... You also come to stop me, right? Whoever tries to stop me will die.
Sys422894_szquest_complete_detailIt's like the power has been drawn out... It's like my body is not my own...\n\nI've finally awakened... I just attacked you...
Sys422894_szquest_descDefeat [114107|Artaher] to wake him up.
Sys422894_szquest_uncomplete_detailRegardless of who tries to stop me, they will die.