result count: 5

Sys422899_nameEffective Deterrent
Sys422899_szquest_accept_detailThose mighty [<S>115599|Residents of Angren] are skilled hunters. What hunters hate most are flies buzzing around them while they're stalking their prey. It distracts them.\n\nI want to make an ointment that will keep those pesky bugs away from the hunters. It also has to be odorless. Otherwise, their prey might run away. Luckily I can make an ointment that does all these things! I can't tell anyone the secret recipe. But I can let you help me.\n\nI need five portions of [<S>115605|Pipi Tree Sap] from [ZONE_ANGAREN_FOREST|Angren Forest]. I'll reward you if you do. You can find congealed lumps under the trees, they'll do nicely.
Sys422899_szquest_complete_detailThanks for the [<S>115605|Pipi Tree Sap]. This is all the money I can spare.
Sys422899_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_ANGAREN_FOREST|Angren Forest] and collect five pieces of [<S>115605|Pipi Tree Sap]. Give them to Shaman [115611|Jaexis Spider skin].
Sys422899_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou get paid for such simple work. I don't think this is going to be very profitable for me.