result count: 5

Sys422918_nameWing and a Prayer
Sys422918_szquest_accept_detailRequest from [ZONE_SACHE_CAMP|Sagthorne Camp]:\n\n"Research into autonomous flight systems now underway. Please help us collect more feathers. "\n\n(Written in small type alongside: Test pilots also wanted, 100% safety guaranteed.)\n\nItems Required: 10 [<S>241288|Thin Wyrm Wings]\n\nGive the collected items to Ailic's Researcher [120475|Tye Lahe].
Sys422918_szquest_complete_detailIf we could fly, then we wouldn't have to rely on magic or dragons to combat the remodeled soldier menace... That's what I used to think anyway. Nothing compares to using your own body, no matter how flexible or agile it is...\n\n([120475|Tye Lahe] starts mumbling to himself.)\n\nOr maybe we should just grab a couple of remodeled soldiers to study the modifications first hand...
Sys422918_szquest_descFind the [<S>106795|Lesser Poison Dragons] and the [<S>101230|Greater Poison Dragons] on the cliffs around [ZONE_SACHE_CAMP|Sagthorne Camp] and collect the [<S>241288|Thin Wyrm Wings] from their bodies.
Sys422918_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou saw the advertisement for hiring pilots?\n\nThe pay is excellent! Just sign here...