result count: 5

Sys422929_nameSoul of the Arkana: Warden
Sys422929_szquest_accept_detailYou need another [206620|Soul of the Arkana: Warden]?\n\nWell... you must have your reasons.\n\nBesides, [114350|Sela'mefon] always needs a helping hand...\n\nYou remember where he is? He is the Elven mage in front of the [ZONE_DGN_RELIQUARY_OF_REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] in [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley].\n\nYou have already been successful once, though I think this should be a piece of cake for you.\n\nBut I hope, this time you will use a more solemn approach on this quest. After all our objective is to obtain the [206620|Soul of the Arkana: Warden], not to finish quests. You need to use you whole heart and will, otherwise you will not succeed in transforming it with you will.\n\nNow set off with your ally! Probably, it is your fate to face this challenge a second time.
Sys422929_szquest_complete_detailI heard your cooperation was fruitful.\n\nSo, this [206620|Soul of the Arkana: Warden] is the evidence of your strong will.\n\n([113017|Serre Majik] takes out a shiny object and hands it to you.)
Sys422929_szquest_descListen to [113017|Serre Majik] in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and go to the front of the [ZONE_DGN_RELIQUARY_OF_REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] in [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley]. Find [114350|Sela'mefon] and help him, then go back to [113017|Serre Majik].
Sys422929_szquest_uncomplete_detailHave you found [114350|Sela'mefon]? He should be in front of the [ZONE_DGN_RELIQUARY_OF_REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] in [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley] .\n\nI have already contacted him, do not let him wait.