result count: 5

Sys422958_nameProceed to the Scar of Despair Camp
Sys422958_szquest_accept_detailPeople have recently discovered a set of ancient ruins in [ZONE_SCAR OF DESPAIR|Scar of Despair] at [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes]. This important discovery has piqued the interest of our ruins investigation team, and we would like to go explore them. \n\nIn the long distant past, a relatively unknown people lived there. To help us break through the veil of secrecy surrounding their civilization, we've been on the lookout for a talented and brave adventurer.\n\nIf you can help us obtain the [<S>206422|Stone Totem Fragments] in the ruins, perhaps the truth won't be lost at all - it will soon be in the palm of our hands.\n\nOur team leader [113689|Ange Rasa] is currently at the [ZONE_SCAR OF DESPAIR|Scar of Despair] camp in [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes]. She is waiting for an adventurer to report for duty. Make haste! As long as you're willing to accept this quest, I can send for a horse cart to transport you to the camp in the interest of saving time.
Sys422958_szquest_complete_detailYou're really the adventurer that [114087|Kat Rojo] mentioned?\n\n([113689|Ange Rasa] is sizing you up. She seems pretty satisfied.) \n\nOk, very good. Sure enough, [114087|Kat Rojo] chose wisely. You seem to have what it takes to get into the ruins and look around. How about I tell you some of the details?
Sys422958_szquest_descGo and search under the waterfall in [ZONE_SCAR OF DESPAIR|Scar of Despair] at [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes]. Find the investigation team captain for the lost ruins, [113689|Ange Rasa], and report for duty.
Sys422958_szquest_uncomplete_detailIt seems that your path is leading you quite a long ways away. Have words with me again if you require a horse cart.