result count: 18

SC_422967_0That disgraced noble is back again. How fortuitous. Every time he comes here something happens...
SC_422967_1If you want to make a fast buck, offer your services to that disgraced noble!
SC_422967_10Is the Mallen Brothers Gang that scary? After seeing you, no wonder they're so arrogant!
SC_422967_11No problem! I'm sure someone courageous will show up. I'll wait here in the pub, and if anyone changes their mind and wants to accept the task they can just come find me.
SC_422967_12Hand over [114507|Max Ferrero's] things!
SC_422967_2I'm so mad! How can these bandits be so arrogant, marauding people in the street!
SC_422967_3Those goods may not be worth much, but I can't swallow this anger!
SC_422967_4Everyone listen! If anyone can go teach those bandits a lesson, I'll give him a rich reward.
SC_422967_5Oh, a reward! Now I don't have to worry about drinking money! ...hic! Kid, where did you say the bandits are? I'll help you...hic!
SC_422967_6They're just outside by that mountain road.
SC_422967_7Outside on the road...hey! They're...not...not from the Mallen Brothers Gang, are they?
SC_422967_8The Mallen Brothers! Provoking them...even if I had money to drink, I'm afraid I wouldn't have a life...forget what I just said...
SC_422967_9Humph! ...will anyone else take on this commission?
Sys422967_nameMallen Brothers Gang Reward
Sys422967_szquest_accept_detailTeach them a lesson! Do it however you want, but teach this Mallen Brothers Gang that they can't always do whatever they want! The knights can't even protect us, so all I can do is take matters into my own hands!\n\nSome [<S>114752|Mallen Bandit Lackeys] are at the side of the small road outside. When I came up, they were a rowdy bunch, gathered at the side of the road, not even caring if anyone noticed while they robbed me. If you can get my things back, I'll give you a rich reward.
Sys422967_szquest_complete_detailYou did it! These are my things.\n\nHumph! Did those bandits wet their pants in fear? Teaching them a lesson really makes me happy!\n\nThis is the reward I promised. I originally wanted to save some for traveling, but you should take all of it as thanks for taking care of this situation.
Sys422967_szquest_descDefeat the [<S>114752|Mallen Bandit Lackeys] near the [114828|Pig in a Pond] Pub, and bring back the disgraced noble's [114753|Stolen Goods].
Sys422967_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou brought back my things?\n\nDon't let those bandits get away! Go teach them a lesson!