result count: 11

SC_422985_1You, go, get out of here! It's all your fault!
SC_422985_2You are not welcome in [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano]. Go away!
SC_422985_4Alian, no!
SC_422985_5And what if we make them angry?
SC_422985_6I'm not afraid of them! It's all their fault! Damn Lionheart Knights!
SC_422985_7Ssh! Don't say a word, let's go...
Sys422985_nameA Squire's First Mission
Sys422985_szquest_accept_detail[114540|Kai Kaiyinth] has already discovered the probable location of the Mallen Brothers Gang, it should be at [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano].\n\nGo there and report to [114540|Kai Kaiyinth]. Remember this is your first task as a squire, so at [114540|Kai Kaiyinth's] side you should study and practice hard. I hope I will not hear of any bad news.\n\nDo not let yourself become conceited from small victories, and always preserve a modest attitude when learning - only then can a knight's path truly begin.
Sys422985_szquest_complete_detailMy dear students, you have finally come!\n\nIt's such a pity that I didn't get my make it to your squire ceremony! However, evil does not take a vacation! So I am reluctantly forced to meet all of my dear students for the first time here instead.\n\nLet us start with enthusiasm and put justice into action!
Sys422985_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] and meet with the knight trainer called [114540|Kai Kaiyinth].