result count: 11

SC_422986_0Excuse me, do you know why that kid just threw a rock at us?
SC_422986_1(The lady looks at you hatefully.)\n\nI've already lost my dear husband and my child. I'm all alone, and I'm not afraid of anything anymore!\n\nI want to throw rocks at you and spit on you!\n\n(After saying this, she spits on the ground.)\n\nYou Lionheart Knights are just like the [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] knights. As a leader, [103292|Maxim Erekat III] sent his knights to plunder the residents of [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano], and you are no better. The residents of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] are under your protection, but what about the people of [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano]?\n\nAfter you defeated the [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] knights and drove out [103292|Maxim Erekat III], we were all looking forward to the protection of the Lionheart Knights. We never expected you would just abandon us and let bandits attack this village of old ladies. How is this different from the tyranny [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] suffered before?
SC_422986_2Master, you who come from [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] can see the plight of [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano]. [103292|Maxim Erekat III's] rule was oppressive, but bandits wouldn't dare to come here and steal our harvest.\n\nBut the [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] knights disbanded after being defeated by [114367|General Lance] and the Lionheart Knights, and [103292|Maxim Erekat III] disappeared after his defeat. Now [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] is defenseless, and the bandits are relentless. This is why they blame the Lionheart Knights for attacking the [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] knights...please don't blame them...
SC_422986_3That's an utterly stupid question! Why would you even ask? Because you are Lionheart Knights! You should have rocks thrown at you!
SC_422986_4Why does everybody hate the Lionheart Knights?
SC_422986_5We don't just hate the Lionheart Knights, we also hate the king!\n\nDid you know that Mallen Brothers Gang have a base here? It's in the abandoned mine on the mountain side. The crops that we worked so hard to cultivate, our money and our supplies were all stolen by the Mallen Brothers Gang! But the Lionheart Knights showed no interest in the situation. Once the cruel, cold-blooded [114367|General Lance] knew, he just snatched the king's throne and took power for himself! I despise you!
Sys422986_nameAvano's Resentment
Sys422986_szquest_accept_detailWhy is it that those lovely children want to throw things at us and treat us Lionheart Knights with so much hate? They have none of the happiness children should have; only cruel looks on their faces stabbing away at one's heart. How is it that these children have lost the kindness they once had for the Lionheart Knights?\n\nHow it that possible? No, no, no! Too much thinking is of no use, just let us speak to the villagers to see what they think!\n\nMy dear students, go and find out the villagers opinion, that'll make them feel our true passion and love once again.
Sys422986_szquest_complete_detailSo it's like this then hey! What are we waiting for?\n\n[ZONE_ALBANO|Avano's] residents are waiting for our rescue, we need to spread love and justice throughout the village, it's time my friends!
Sys422986_szquest_descSpeak to the villagers of [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] and find out about the reason why the [<S>114535|Avano Children] are throwing things at the Lionheart Knights, then report your findings to [114540|Kai Kaiyinth].
Sys422986_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy dear students, make the residents of Avano feel our love once again!