result count: 17

SC_422998_0Sir Jeno, I have come on behalf of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] City to find out why [ZONE_AYON|Aren] did not attend the Council of Lords.
SC_422998_1Dear ambassador, I'm truly sorry. This time I originally wanted to go to the Council of Lords, but my twin brother...forgive me for saying it, but in fact I really don't want to admit that he is my brother, he tried his utmost to stop me from attending the council.
SC_422998_10While Master [114557|Lowr Mocliff] was away, [114595|Vilentin] broke into the room and broke an ancestral vase. She has been arrested and is ready for sentencing!
SC_422998_11What?! Lowr, I must stop him!
SC_422998_2Why did Sir [114395|Lowr Mocliff] do this?
SC_422998_3I think he stopped me because he's worried I'll report the atrocities he's committed to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] and threaten his position. But he made it sound grandiose, while [ZONE_AYON|Aren] is in turmoil and disarray, he can't let anything interfere with the path to stability.
SC_422998_4Sir [114395|Lowr Mocliff's] idea is really regrettable.
SC_422998_5Is that so? Mister Ambassador, please forgive me for complaining to you, but you seem so kind and good that I couldn't help but tell you about Lowr's cold-blooded actions.\n\nHe only cares for the old-fashioned rigid rules and discipline, and ignores the value of human life and warmth. Even my mother, [114694|Victoria] said that if the brutal Lowr becomes lord of [ZONE_AYON|Aren], [ZONE_AYON|Aren] is done for!
SC_422998_6Have you spoken to Sir [114395|Lowr Mocliff] about this?
SC_422998_7Of course, and more than once. We talk about this almost every time we meet, and it always turns into a big argument. I don't know how Lowr's values became so skewed, but he really is a stubborn, horrible guy!
SC_422998_8No, Master Jeno!
SC_422998_9What happened?
Sys422998_nameJeno Mocliff
Sys422998_szquest_accept_detailIn recent years, I am often here to mediate the disputes between the two brothers. However, these disputes have made the older one misunderstand my intentions and he thinks I am opposed to his leadership. Furthermore, the younger master often grumbles at me and is unwilling to listen and consider my exhortations.\n\nIf you are willing to help Jessie and [ZONE_AYON|Aren], please impress Jeno as an envoy of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], meet with him and talk things over! Enlighten his brother with the importance of harmony.
Sys422998_szquest_complete_detailEnvoy, you have come all the way from [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], just to solve such a trivial matter of [ZONE_AYON|Aren], I am truly sorry.
Sys422998_szquest_descEnvoy of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], help [114565|Oliver Harris] by speaking with [114594|Jeno Mocliff].
Sys422998_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow may I help you, ambassador from [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]?