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SC_422999_36You don't need to say anything.
SC_422999_37Bring her! Send her to the scaffold!
SC_422999_38First bring her and put her in a cell.
SC_422999_39Yes, sir.
SC_422999_4Please show mercy!
SC_422999_5Mister Ambassador, I don't know if you are clear about what you're doing. Criminals must be punished. Whether or not she intended to assassinate me, just trespassing in a royal room and breaking an important royal heirloom is enough to sentence her to death.
SC_422999_6That's just a thing, it can't be more important than somebody's life.
SC_422999_7Is there no other recourse?
SC_422999_8I understand, I won't intervene in this matter again.
SC_422999_9Sure enough, the message I've received is correct, the ambassador from [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] has been received by Jeno and his ministers. And now, you sound like him.\n\nYour position is already compromised, right, Mister Ambassador?
Sys422999_nameDon't Do It!
Sys422999_szquest_accept_detailMaster [114736|Jeno Mocliff] rushing out isn't good... They don't usually get anywhere by arguing with each other directly.\n\nIf what we just heard really happened...that woman really did break into Master [114557|Lowr Mocliff's] room and break the important vase left by the previous lord... [114557|Lowr Mocliff] won't easily forgive her...but [114736|Jeno Mocliff] won't easily concede...\n\nCan you help by dissuading [114557|Lowr Mocliff] from carrying out the punishment? At least don't let them both lose!
Sys422999_szquest_complete_detailPlease wait a moment, ambassador from [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis].\n\nEnough of that. Would I be able to take a moment of your time?
Sys422999_szquest_descTry to dissuade [114557|Lowr Mocliff] from carrying out the punishment and stop the dispute between the two knights.
Sys422999_szquest_uncomplete_detailCommit a crime, be punished.\n\nImpartial enforcement of the law is the only way to protect the innocent.

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