result count: 20

SC_423000_1I don't want to arouse conflict between us or harm [ZONE_AYON|Aren].
SC_423000_10Sorry for disturbing your talk, I have something urgent to report.
SC_423000_11You haven't disturbed us, speak!
SC_423000_12It's... Sir [114564|Carr Dawith] might lodge a complaint with Lady [114694|Victoria] about the dispute between you two that was caused by the crime...
SC_423000_13I trust that if he twists the truth...that will cause her to misunderstand you... You wouldn't be the first time that he did so...
SC_423000_14Yes...he has always been like a stubborn immature child. I'll go see mother, you can deal with this.
SC_423000_2[114557|Lowr Mocliff], please be careful with your tone!
SC_423000_3I'm afraid you don't understand. Since you have gotten involved with [ZONE_AYON|Aren] politics, you've been a burden on [ZONE_AYON|Aren].
SC_423000_4[114557|Lowr Mocliff]...
SC_423000_5I believe that I can help you leave this mess behind you.
SC_423000_6Do you feel that I've been too tough and rude?\n\nAmbassador, it is our mistake for not attending this Council of Lords in [ZONE_AYON|Aren], we've also shown our good faith is enough to allow you to return to report to the king and [114367|General Lance].\n\nBut what have you done?\n\nYou've not only not left, but you've stayed in [ZONE_AYON|Aren] to involve yourself in matters that are outside of your jurisdiction.
SC_423000_7I mean no harm...
SC_423000_8Haven't you seen the current conflict?\n\n[114564|Carr Dawith's] lack of understanding, [114565|Oliver Harris'] impetuousness. The people don't know who to follow. The royal troubles have disrupted the peace. How can the citizens of [ZONE_AYON|Aren] be at ease?\n\nOnly with a whole system and a leader that values discipline can the people know what to abide by. If every matter is judged according to current emotions and every punishment is dealt with according to who the criminal is, how can the citizens not complain?\n\n[ZONE_AYON|Aren's] former lord's wise wife...\n\nQueen [114694|Victoria], my mother, understands Jeno's political shortcomings very well. She fully supports my actions for building a system that the people can rely on.\n\nBut it seems that the ambassador doesn't understand this justification?\n\nThen, should we ask the ambassador to recede and return to their kingdom?
Sys423000_nameLowr's Announcement
Sys423000_szquest_accept_detailAmbassador from [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], let me remind you about something.\n\nEven though you are from [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] City, you still must be clear that I am the governor of [ZONE_AYON|Aren]...and [114736|Jeno Mocliff], you are only an outsider.\n\nAs an outsider, you have already interfered too much, especially since you have [114565|Oliver Harris] with you, a [ZONE_AYON|Aren] senior official that planned to collude with outsiders to influence [ZONE_AYON|Aren] politics. Although he hasn't done anything to betray the country is only that he is "now," "temporarily" not doing anything to betray the country.\n\nIf you commit any crime that harms [ZONE_AYON|Aren], I won't care about his or your status. I hope you are fully clear on that point.\n\nFurthermore, although there is no obligation, if I can let you understand the cause of the chaos in [ZONE_AYON|Aren] to alleviate your curiosity, I wouldn't mind spending some time explaining this to you, "Ambassador from [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]."
Sys423000_szquest_complete_detailIf you understand, just leave.\n\n[ZONE_AYON|Aren] will provide you with a complete, comfortable carriage to send you to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis].
Sys423000_szquest_descListen to [114557|Lowr Mocliff's] explanation
Sys423000_szquest_uncomplete_detailI wouldn't mind spending some time explaining the cause of the chaos in [ZONE_AYON|Aren] to you, if that would alleviate your curiosity.