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SC_423010_36This is the simplest but also the most difficult defense.
SC_423010_37What do you mean?
SC_423010_38Facing defeat and wounded soldiers, who wouldn't rush to attack? Facing a strong enemy and overwhelming odds, how many people could hold their ground?
SC_423010_39...Yes, you're right. Those are the principles of a dedicated guardian...principles stronger than weapons. In the first battle against the demon invasion, our great ancestors protected the King of the Humans in that spirit.
SC_423010_4Mother! Mother! How could this happen! When did this start...
SC_423010_40Always loyal to the King of the Humans. As descendants of [114690|Letin Mocliff], how can we be so shortsighted as to focus only on [ZONE_AYON|Aren] and neglect the future of all of [ZONE_SAVILLEPLAINS|Zandorya]?
SC_423010_41The engravings on the shield are also not uncommon.
SC_423010_5About four years ago...
SC_423010_7They are my friends.
SC_423010_8Brother! I can't accept this... Mother is such a good person! How could this have happened to her... Who can control corpses? What right do they have to toy with others?
SC_423010_9Ah... I don't know either. For the past few years...we didn't notice anything was wrong. Our enemy's power probably isn't just limited to this.
Sys423010_nameClosing the Curtain
Sys423010_szquest_accept_detailAmbassador, I don't have the words to appropriately express how thankful I am to you.\n\nUntil today I still find it hard to believe that that sinister enemy could actually control corpses...and even continue to live among us, without us even noticing that the queen mother had already died...\n\nThe brothers probably found it hard to accept this truth... Despite this, [ZONE_AYON|Aren] still has a future. The gentle queen mother wouldn't want to see us depressed...\n\nAt any rate, you are a friend of [ZONE_AYON|Aren], so the queen mother can rest in peace.\n\nPlease come with us to the [ZONE_AYON|Aren] palace after this. Let us express our thanks to you.
Sys423010_szquest_complete_detailThe Unrivaled Shield... us who live in [ZONE_AYON|Aren] actually ignored its true meaning...
Sys423010_szquest_descAfter [114696|Jessie Mocliff] is prepared, go with him to the [ZONE_AYON|Aren] palace to end the chaos.
Sys423010_szquest_uncomplete_detailMy late mother can finally rest in peace, and I have you to thank for that.

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