result count: 23

SC_423014_C_0Riding out with a broken sword? The Mallen Brothers are going to
SC_423014_C_1Humph! I wonder why the sword I bought off [114708|Carr Dawith] is so much better than yours? Don't worry. When you're dead I'll get [114707|Midnight] to collect your remains.
SC_423014_C_2[114708|Carr Dawith]? You still remember who sold you the sword? One girl's the same as the next.
SC_423014_C_3No way! You don't know who [114708|Carr Dawith] is? [114708|Carr Dawith] is none other than the head of the illegal weapons market. Don't you even know him?
SC_423014_C_4Blockhead! You're dumber than a pig in a pond! No wonder your brother is thick.
SC_423014_C_5You want to talk about my brother? He's a thousand times better than your stupid brother, who hides inside the town...
SC_423014_C_7Make a bet? Get your brother to bring along one of [114708|Carr Dawith's] fake swords to duel my brother who can use the sword I give him. He will absolutely destroy your stupid brother!
SC_423014_C_8It's a bet. You'll rue the day you insulted my brother and [114708|Carr Dawith], the "Night Owl"!
SC_423014_T_0Huh? Buh buh buh but what? You want me to lend you some money?
SC_423014_T_1Hmm? Where did you get this ring? Just a bit more money and perhaps we could discuss something else...
SC_423014_T_2Huh? You giving me this purse?
SC_423014_T_3Ring... The person you are looking for is not here, but looking for me amounts to the same thing.
SC_423014_T_4I want to make sure, are you...
SC_423014_T_5[114546|Adov Harris], "[114691|Night Owl]" [114708|Carr Dawith's] right-hand man.\n\n([114546|Adov Harris] leans forward and quickly opens his vest. You see the peculiar letters [SC_SSSE|S.S.S.E.] flash across his chest) \n\nThe ring you have belongs to Los'hu, sniff... The blood on your body does not include his. He has entrusted you to buy weapons for him, hasn't he?
SC_423014_T_6That's right. He needs a sword.
SC_423014_T_7([114546|Adov Harris] weighs the purse in his hand)\n\nOkay, take this one. We're done here. Smell ya later!
SC_423014_T_8Black market rules state that once a deal is finished, both parties must go their separate ways. That too complex for you? If you've grasped that, then scram!
Sys423014_nameSkull Ring
Sys423014_szquest_accept_detailI've really had enough of [114544|Banat Shin'ge's] mouth!\nThis time he insulted my brother and "[114691|Night Owl]". Let's see if I poison his ale! Oh! I shouldn't sink to his level, but talking to that idiot is really infuriating...\n\nHe said my brother was crippled, and that's hard to swallow. Were you in the "[114828|Pig in a Pond]" last time? Can you help me go to the [114830|Night Bar] in the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District] and buy a [203464|Sword] from "[114691|Night Owl]" for my brother [114389|Nif Gushiya]?\n\nOh, you might not know who "[114691|Night Owl]" is. Basically...he's an arms dealer everyone in the black market knows. I've heard he's very skilled, and ordinary people wouldn't stand up to him. When buying a [203464|Sword] from him beware of his mood. Also, he may not be in the Dimlane District...\n\nBut don't worry, I gave him a good shield and he promised to sell me weapons. See the [206814|Skull Ring]? I still have another chance...ha ha. Most people aren't so lucky, but your luck is pretty good. Whether it's him or his assistant, you may only see them once in a lifetime, so cherish the moment.\n\nFortunately, his assistant [114546|Adov Harris] will be at the [114830|pub]. Take the [206814|Skull Ring] and [206815|Wallet] to him. Buy the [203464|Sword] and take it to [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District]. My brother will be in front of the peddlers. Thank you...I'm going to continue my drinking contest with this fool!
Sys423014_szquest_complete_detailThis [203464|Sword]...[114545|Nik Gushiya] sent you to give it to me?\nHe wagered with [114544|Banat Shin'ge] again...\n\nBut...I don't know how to fight...\nYou...ok, I'll take it...thank you...
Sys423014_szquest_descTake the [206814|Skull Ring] and [206815|Wallet] [114545|Nik Gushiya] gave you to the [114830|Night Bar] in the [ZONE_DAELANIS_ALLEY|Dalanis Dimlane District] and find "[114691|Night Owl]", [114563|Carr Dawith] or [114546|Adov Harris] to buy the [203464|Sword]. Then, take it to [114389|Nif Gushiya] in [ZONE_DAELANIS_MIDTOWN|Dalanis Central District].
Sys423014_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou...Who are you?\n\nWe...haven't met before, right?