result count: 14

SC_423034Aaahhgh... Papa ... We were ambushed by a group of bandits. Sister [114451|Averia], she...she...while trying to protect me...
SC_423034_1Who did this? Which group of bandits had a hand in it? Tell me!
SC_423034_2It was ... A group of bandits that recently came to the village...
SC_423034_3Although these strong and courageous men drove them away, Sister [114451|Averia] won't be coming back...
SC_423034_5Do you have any leads?
SC_423034_7Hmmm. Well sure enough, this village and [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano] share a connection.
SC_423034_8The innocent lamb's tears and the answers...
SC_423034_9[$PLAYERNAME], seize this opportunity and investigate the connection that exists between this village chief and [ZONE_ALBANO|Avano]?! I will assist you from the shadows.
Sys423034_nameThe Lamb's Tears?
Sys423034_szquest_accept_detailDad... Dad lied... He said that they wouldn't rob us if we gave them something. Waaaa... [114451|Averia] is dead... My sister [114451|Averia] died protecting me...\n\nWaaaaaa... I have to bring [114451|Averia] back. Dad will be very sad...\n\n([114573|Felula Kuhio] tries to carry [114451|Averia], but she can't.)\n\nWaaaaa... I can't carry her... Can't carry her...\n\nWaaaaaa... Please...kind person...please...please help me bring [114451|Averia] back to the village... Bring [114451|Averia] to my [114452|Dad] in [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor]...back to our dad... Please.
Sys423034_szquest_complete_detail([114452|Lafati Kuhio] doesn't speak while he looks at the body, but you can feel his anger from his clenched fists.)
Sys423034_szquest_descCarry [114451|Averia] back to [114452|Lafati Kuhio] in [ZONE_BAYRO_VILLAGE|Engwor].
Sys423034_szquest_uncomplete_detailWho are you? A soldier of the Lionheart Knights?\n\nWhat can I do for you?