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SC_423050_37Mocking male voice: There's still no need to rush things. By the way, what is going on in the [ZONE_MILASSO_FOREST|Milasso Forest]?
SC_423050_38Playful male voice: The Hand of Truth has begun the process of transforming the soldiers.
SC_423050_39Mocking male voice: Ah... Proceeding just as I have anticipated it! Will the dragon and the dragon eggs suffice? Try to find some time to go out hunting again.
SC_423050_4Intense male voice: You'd better lose no time in telling me... What have you done with my stash of recipes?
SC_423050_40Playful male voice: Ahhh. Alright, I'll go and search for wyrm nests again.
SC_423050_41Mocking male voice: Get outta here! I should go and pay my respects to those Hand of Truth guys.
SC_423050_42A myriad of [<S>114621|Pipes], all meticulously arranged, appears in front of your eyes. Perhaps you can have a listen to the sound they make.
SC_423050_5Intense male voice: These contain the very precious specialties that my grandmother passed down to me. They are priceless! Quick, return them to me.
SC_423050_6Youthful male voice: I'm not trying to hide any of your damned recipes. There really are rats.
SC_423050_7Youthful male voice: I just laid down this rat trap, and even though it triggered, that rat is nowhere to be found.
SC_423050_8Intense male voice: There is no need to half-heartedly conceal your criminal deeds. Take advantage of the fact that my mood has not yet soured. Your best play is to hand it over immediately.
SC_423050_9Youthful male voice: Really, I don't have it... It's the rats...
Sys423050_nameMister Pipe's Secret
Sys423050_szquest_accept_detailThe potion didn't have the intended effect on your body...and you've come here looking for relevant information...\n\nInformation, information, information...\n\nOh...I know! There's someone else who can help you: Mr [114621|Pipe].\n\nThere are many Mr [<S>114621|Pipes] in the sewers telling their stories. They know a lot, and have taught me many things. However, they never chat with me...this is unfortunate.\n\nBut you can still go find them and listen to them talking. Maybe you will find out if there are any clues that you need in the food area.
Sys423050_szquest_complete_detailDid Mr [114621|Pipe] tell you what you needed to know?\n\nVery good, very good. I've accomplished the mutual exchange and assistance the book mentioned.
Sys423050_szquest_descLook for [<S>114621|Pipes] in the [ZONE_DNG_DAELANIS_SEWER|Dalanis Sewers]. Listen to the conversations and find the information you're looking for.
Sys423050_szquest_uncomplete_detailMr [114621|Pipe] knows everything. Perhaps you can listen to Mr [114621|Pipe's] conversations and find out what you need to know.

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