result count: 5

Sys423059_nameKeep to the Instruction
Sys423059_szquest_accept_detail[114652|Delany Silverstar] was taken away and her location is unknown. [114729|Dassin Dazzlebright] fainted and appears to have been poisoned. Whatever they want with [114652|Delany Silverstar], we must work quickly!\n\nBased on the information collected and [114648|Darik Silverstar's] description, we should collect some [114682|Altus Breath] to experiment with. Its smell is similar to the residue in the vessel, and they grow in the same place near the Behemoth Skull. I don't believe this is a coincidence...\n\n([114635|Morrok Wallinder] and the Silverstar Chief look at each other.)\n\nI will stay here to help [114647|Darik Silverstar] take care of [114729|Dassin's] injuries, so the task of collecting [206462|Altus Breath] is up to you. Centaurs can't go near that forbidden place, as they have a deep fear of [<S>103444|Behemoths].\n\nBecause the Behemoths are so strong...I will send some strength to protect you. But it's only enough to sustain you for a little while, not enough for you to challenge the [<S>103444|Behemoths]. You must hurry, if the effect wears off, come find me again.\n\nWhen you've collected some [<S>206462|Altus Breath], come back to me and we'll test if it has the effect we imagined. Be careful. If I'm not mistaken, you'll need to get close to the [103444|Behemoth] area to collect [206462|Altus Breath]...
Sys423059_szquest_complete_detailAh! You missed it. Just now, [114729|Dassin Dazzlebright] not only awoke, but also told us some amazing news!\n\nGive me the [206462|Altus Breath]. I'll process it while I tell you what he just said...
Sys423059_szquest_descCollect 3 [<S>206462|Altus Breath] plants and return to [114641|Morrok Wallinder].\n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_05|After accepting the quest, the following effects will be obtained:] [505971|Faded Light]\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_06|To receive the effect again, please abandon the quest and re-accept.]
Sys423059_szquest_uncomplete_detailBe careful. If I'm not mistaken, you'll need to get close to the [103444|Behemoth] area to collect the [206462|Altus Breath] plant...