result count: 23

SC_423064_0(Wait for the Silverstar Chief to launch the raid.)
SC_423064_1Centaur Warriors! Attack!
SC_423064_10[114635|Morrok Wallinder] seems to feel something strange!
SC_423064_11This is impossible...Why is so much elemental power flowing here?!
SC_423064_12The elemental power is none of your business. You dare attack me?! Die!
SC_423064_13Boulder Spell!
SC_423064_14Tistainra Pean Roitei!
SC_423064_15The wyrms growl and glare at [114635|Morrok Wallinder] covered in rocks, not leaving for a long while.
SC_423064_16Phew! Almost couldn't hold out...where did they come from?!
SC_423064_17After listening to the Silverstar Scout, Silverstar's expression changes.
SC_423064_18Morrok! I have something to tell you when we get back to the camp. I'll first take her to rest.
SC_423064_2Everyone's transformation is almost complete. What's going on outside?!
SC_423064_3Oh, it's that Silverstar guy...No matter, I have something special prepared for him...
SC_423064_4You! Bring that Centaur over!
SC_423064_5Hey! Old man! Don't get excited! We're leaving tomorrow!
SC_423064_6If you cooperate no one will be hurt! Otherwise...
SC_423064_7Otherwise, you're going to hell!
SC_423064_8Woo! You?!
SC_423064_9This is for my friend! You should suffer more than this...Huh?
Sys423064_nameSurprise Attack
Sys423064_szquest_accept_detailWhen [114649|Darik Silverstar] leads the Centaur charge, [103438|Luke Ponzi] will order us to bring [114651|Delany Silverstar] over so that he can use her to threaten [114649|Darik Silverstar].\n\nWe'll bide our time and pretend to follow his orders, and bring [114651|Delany Silverstar]. When [103438|Luke Ponzi's] full attention is on [114649|Darik Silverstar], we'll attack him from behind...and we will succeed!\n\nI've already cut [114651|Delany Silverstar's] ropes, and she's just pretending to be tied up. When the time comes, she'll help us attack [103438|Luke Ponzi]. Prepare first, and let me know when you're ready. Now we just wait for [114649|Darik Silverstar's] raid!
Sys423064_szquest_complete_detail[103438|Luke Ponzi] was killed by a wyrm attack, and got what he deserved. But...where did the wyrms come from?
Sys423064_szquest_descWhen you're ready, tell [114643|Morrok Wallinder] and wait for [114649|Darik Silverstar's] attack. When the quest is complete, report back to [114635|Morrok Wallinder].