result count: 6

SC_423066_0Good lady! Do you have any food?
SC_423066_1Open the door! I just want something to eat!
Sys423066_szquest_accept_detail[114647|Darik Silverstar] thanks you for your help. [114653|Delany Silverstar] was only slightly wounded, and will be fine. While we didn't take care of [103438|Luke Ponzi] and his men ourselves, those wyrms have avenged their children, and [103438|Luke Ponzi] won't be causing any more trouble.\n\nWhile [103292|Maxim Erekat III] has been de-clawed, he is still a threat. But this is a problem for [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], and the Lionheart Knights should take care of it. We found some clues about the rumor the Dragons wanted us to investigate, but I'm afraid we're still far from the truth.\n\n([114635|Morrok Wallinder] looks at [114647|Darik Silverstar], and the two look worried.)\n\nAs I said before, at least we have a direction to investigate. Next, I'll go north to [ZONE_JYNORST_FOREST|Janost Forest] to see if there are any clues there. However, first I will go find my old friend, [114720|Isaac Foden], and let him know that [103438|Luke Ponzi] has met his end!\n\nRegarding [103292|Maxim Erekat III], while I won't intervene, the Lionheart Knights who are protecting the peace of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] should be interested in this. All matters of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] are handled by [114869|Simon Dibark] the Lionheart Knights official. Go and tell him what you have found out about in the sewers. No matter who finishes first, we'll meet in the [114829|Dragonslayer Pub]. After I've seen [114720|Isaac Foden] I'll go there to wait for you.
Sys423066_szquest_complete_detail[103292|Maxim Erekat III]? The former ruler of Avano who was defeated by [114367|General Lance] and then disappeared? It is unbelievable that he has not changed a bit. And now he is even doing his evil deeds in the sewers below [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]!\n\nThis must be immediately reported to [114367|General Lance]. We are very grateful for your cooperation, I will especially mention your name in the report.
Sys423066_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis], find [114869|Simon Dibark], and tell him the whole story about the sewers.