result count: 5

Sys423067_nameEulogy of Spring
Sys423067_szquest_accept_detailPink four-leaf clovers have recently been in full bloom near [ZONE_HELEN_FARM|Helen's Farm]. It is said that these clovers can be used to duplicate the color of a fluorescent mask. In order to cope with massive demand for ornate masks in the lead up to the Masked Ball, the preparation committee hopes that you will lend a hand. If you can help us, you'll have the chance to receive a special mask that can only be obtained during the Masked Ball. \n\nWe require the following components: 5 [<S>206842|Dazzling Pink Four-Leaf Clovers] and 3 [<S>203852|Breaths of the Spring Goddess]. The [<S>206842|Dazzling Pink Four-Leaf Clovers] can be gathered near [ZONE_HELEN_FARM|Helen's Farm] in [ZONE_WAILING MOUNTAINS|Howling Mountains]. You will have the chance to receive [<S>203852|Breaths of the Spring Goddess] while hunting monsters in the wild.
Sys423067_szquest_complete_detailLooks like we don't need to worry about running out of color materials for the time being. Please accept this as a token of our gratitude!\n\nIf you need help with anything over the course of the Masked Ball, feel free to seek me out.
Sys423067_szquest_descGather 5 [<S>206842|Dazzling Pink Four-Leaf Clovers] and 3 [<S>203852|Breaths of the Spring Goddess] to give to [112311|Shiani Alian].
Sys423067_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe required materials are: 5 [<S>206842|Dazzling Pink Four-Leaf Clovers] and 3 [<S>203852|Breaths of the Spring Goddess]. I'm counting on you!