result count: 5

Sys423089_nameThose Naughty Kids
Sys423089_szquest_accept_detailHey, kid! You know who I am? \n\nDoesn't matter if you don't! You only have to know, when it is time for the Pumpkin Festival, the great Pumpkinhead will appear and tell the people that the Pumpkin Festival has come!\n\nMmm...however, when I decended to this world, some of my subordinates took the chance and escaped from my control. They caused some trouble in this area. I have sent my servant [116036|Belle Rossly] to catch them, but it seems she may need some help. \n\nSo, now you have the chance to serve the supreme Pumpkinhead! Go look for my servant [116036|Belle Rossly] and help her with capturing those escaped subordinates!
Sys423089_szquest_complete_detailPlease don't mind that my master is a bit crazy. He is actually very kind. \n\n([116036|Belle Rossly] smiles bitterly.)\n\nI believe that with your help all [<S>116033|Pumpkin Pranksters] will be recaptured in no time at all.
Sys423089_szquest_descLook for [116036|Belle Rossly] in [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]
Sys423089_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow long will it take? How long?\n\nHave you found [116036|Belle Rossly]?