result count: 6

Sys423103_nameHonor Shop
Sys423103_shortnoteOpen the Honor Shop
Sys423103_szquest_accept_detailAll right, I've registered you and notified your guild housekeeper! Please return to your guild and verify this with your [112588|Guild Castle Housekeeper].
Sys423103_szquest_complete_detailThat was fast, <CB>[$Playername]</CB>! I have already received your registration notice! Now all you have to do is take part in battles or related activities to obtain <CY>Battle Honor</CY> or <CY>[206686|Badges of the Trial]</CY> which can be exchanged for rewards in the Honor Shop!\n\nBattlefield registration:\n\n<CS>Right-click</CS> on the <CB>Battlefield</CB> button in the top-right of the minimap to register in the battlefield registration interface.\n\n\nSiege War registration:\nDuring the Registration Period, open the Guild Interface (G), click on the "Battles" button and choose the "Register" button to register for the Siege War. This is only available to <CB>Guild Leaders</CB>, however.
Sys423103_szquest_descReturn to the Guild Castle and verify with your [112588|Guild Castle Housekeeper].
Sys423103_szquest_uncomplete_detailCome on adventurers! Participate in battles and related activities and you will get nice rewards in the Honor Shop afterwards!