result count: 6

SC_423182_1This is...
Sys423182_nameStrange Corpse State
Sys423182_szquest_accept_detail(There is a strange liquid and foul stench around this body. His clothes are the same as those of the [<S>115309|Soulless Soldiers], and there's a terrible claw mark on his chest. Perhaps you should report this information back to [115312|Morrok Wallinder].)
Sys423182_szquest_complete_detailStrange claw marks? Were they made by the human-like creature covered in dragon scales you mentioned?\n\nI need to go take a look.
Sys423182_szquest_descReport the information about the claw mark to [115316|Morrok Wallinder].
Sys423182_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe situation is not as ideal as I expected.