result count: 5

Sys423184_nameWarning to Shador
Sys423184_szquest_accept_detailWait. There's something I hope you can help me with.\n\nThe meeting of the [115391|Star of Karlan] and the [115392|Star of Emir] will bring about a change in the world.\n\nThe Centaurs have always been close to [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], and now that these strange astrological signs will set off changes in the world, those lovely ladies should be warned.\n\nThey must be informed! However, I don't want to delay [115060|Morrok Wallinder's] journey, so I want to ask you if you can deliver this [207296|Letter] to [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]. Give it to the Third Lady's maid, [115508|Flod Var], and let her subtly remind the lady of these signs, instead of directly putting a heavy load on the lady's spirit. I think she will know how to handle this matter appropriately.
Sys423184_szquest_complete_detail[115063|Arde Silverstar]? Is it bad news?\n\nThe Third Lady hasn't been in good spirits lately, and isn't up to reading this letter directly. It looks like I'll have to find a good time to discuss this with the lady.
Sys423184_szquest_desc[115063|Arde Silverstar] wants you to deliver the [207296|Letter] to [115508|Flod Var] in [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador].
Sys423184_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat do you have for me?