result count: 17

SC_423192_1Darle la [207301|Bolsa de tela grande] a [115460|Kyle Saaj](Give the [207301|Large Cloth Bag] to [115460|Kyle Saaj].)
SC_423192_10No pensaba que pudiera ocurrir esto.I didn't think that this would happen.
SC_423192_11¡Ya mejorarán las cosas! Mimet.It will get better! Mimet.
SC_423192_12Es inútil, [115460|Kyle Saaj], quiero morir, por favor, perdonad mi cobardía, no puedo seguir viviendo con este aspecto.It's useless, [115460|Kyle Saaj], I want to die, please forgive my cowardice, I can't live looking like this.
SC_423192_2(El Anciano [115460|Kyle Saaj] parece estar reflexionando profundamente. No responde a vuestra llamada.)(Elder [115460|Kyle Saaj] looks like he is deep in thought. He doesn't respond to your calling.)
SC_423192_3¿Es un monstruo? ¿O un humano?Is this a monster? Or a human?
SC_423192_4[115460|Kyle Saaj]... Soy yo... Soy yo...[115460|Kyle Saaj]... It's me... It's me...
SC_423192_5¿Cómo pudisteis ser vos? ¿Mimet?How could it be you? Mimet?
SC_423192_6Anciano, acabo de ir a ver a [115449|Belle Allen] y han desaparecido todas sus cosas. Parece que tenía prisa por marcharse.Elder, I just went to see [115449|Belle Allen], and realized her things are all gone. Seems she left in a hurry.
SC_423192_7Vale, entiendo.OK, I see.
SC_423192_8Esa... esa mujer nos ha engañado a todos... Uno a uno, nos dejamos llevar a un extraño lugar brillante y bebimos una poción de color púrpura azulado...We...we were all cheated by that woman... One by one, we were lured to a strange glowing place and we drank bluish purple potion...
SC_423192_9[115460|Kyle Saaj], nunca confié en esa mujer... Siempre quise revelaros su auténtico rostro... despertaros para que no confiarais tan ciegamente en ella, para que no confiarais tan ciegamente en los forasteros.[115460|Kyle Saaj], I never trusted that woman... I always wanted to reveal her true face to wake you up so you wouldn't trust her so easily, wouldn't trust outsiders so easily.
Sys423192_nameLa verdad sale a la luzThe Truth Comes to Light
Sys423192_szquest_accept_detailBueno... estas pruebas dejarán a esa mujer sin excusas. ¡Tengo unas ganas terribles de ver el espectáculo! Jaja... ¡Qué emocionante!\n\nArriba en esa [207301|Bolsa de tela grande] hay un lugareño al que rescaté de esa mujer. Por desgracia, no le queda mucho tiempo, así que llevadle ante [115460|Kyle Saaj] y dejad que diga sus últimas palabras.\n\nEsta piedra del eco que compré en el mercado negro puede grabar sonidos. Ya contiene los sonidos que acabáis de oír.\n\nAñadid los datos de la investigación y esa mujer será desenmascarada.\n\nPuse todo en la [207301|Bolsa de tela grande], así que podéis llevársela al anciano [115460|Kyle Saaj]. Jajaja, esa mujer será sacrificada por la ira de los lugareños.Well...these exhibits will leave that woman with no excuses. I can't wait to see the show! Ha ha...this will be so satisfying!\n\nOver in that [207301|Large Cloth Bag] is a villager I rescued from that woman. Unfortunately, he doesn't have much time left, so take him to [115460|Kyle Saaj] and let him speak his last words.\n\nThis echo stone I bought on the black market can record sounds. It already holds all the sounds you just heard.\n\nAdd in this stack of research data, and that woman's mask will be ripped off.\n\nI put everything in the [207301|Large Cloth Bag], so you can take them to see Elder [115460|Kyle Saaj]. Ha ha ha...that woman will be sacrificed by the angry villagers!
Sys423192_szquest_complete_detail([115460|Kyle Saaj] aprieta los dientes con lágrimas en los ojos y baja la cabeza con remordimiento.)\n\nMaté a los lugareños y a mis amigos. Pensé que podría utilizar una fuerza externa para detener a las criaturas y proteger la aldea.\n\nPero parece que... me he equivocado. A pesar de que envié con cuidado la poción a [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] para que fuese probada, [115449|Belle Allen] acabó por engañarme.\n\nConfié demasiado en el contenido del contrato. No soy más que una decepción.([115460|Kyle Saaj] grits his teeth with tears in his eyes, and hangs his head in remorse.)\n\nI killed the villagers and my friends. I thought I could use an outside force to stop the creatures and protect the village.\n\nNow it I was wrong. Even though I carefully sent the potion to [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] for testing, I was still deceived by [115449|Belle Allen] in the end.\n\nI put too much trust in the contents of the contract. I am such a disappointment.
Sys423192_szquest_desc[115462|Aguda Esi] de la [115461|Gran caja de madera] quiere que le llevéis la [207301|Bolsa de tela grande] al anciano [115460|Kyle Saaj] que se encuentra en [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor].[115462|Aguda Esi] from the [115461|Great Big Wooden Box] wants you to give the [207301|Large Cloth Bag] to Elder [115460|Kyle Saaj] in [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor].
Sys423192_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Cuál es el resultado?What is the result?