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Sys423226_szquest_accept_detailMoriría por Su Majestad, y no puedo permitir que ningún peligro aceche a su persona.\n\n[$playername], debemos resolver esta situación rápidamente. Venid conmigo para conocer a la Señora de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], la Primera Dama [115150|Hettie Giant].\n\nEl [114367|General Lance] confía en vuestras capacidades. Si veis algo raro, debéis hacérmelo saber. ¿Entendido?I would die for His Majesty, and cannot allow any danger to come to His Majesty.\n\n[$playername], we must resolve this situation quickly. Come with me to meet the Lady of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], the First Lady, [115150|Hettie Giant].\n\n[114367|General Lance] trusts your ability. If you see anything wrong, you can let me know. Understand?
Sys423226_szquest_complete_detail[ZONE_AYON|Aren] y [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]... las fuerzas de los enemigos deben haber tomado ya [ZONE_SAVILLEPLAINS|Zandorya]. ¡Estas no son buenas noticias![ZONE_AYON|Aren] and [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador]...the enemy's forces may have already taken over [ZONE_SAVILLEPLAINS|Zandorya]. This isn't good news.
Sys423226_szquest_descSeguid a [114368|Iswan "Rosa de hierro"] para visitar a la Señora de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], [115150|Hettie Giant].Follow [114368|"Iron Rose" Iswan] to call on the Lady of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], [115150|Hettie Giant].
Sys423226_szquest_uncomplete_detailLa actitud de [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] afectará a la decisión de [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]... Espero que [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] no defraude.[ZONE_SHADOR|Shador's] attitude will affect the decision of [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis]...I hope [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] doesn't disappoint.

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