result count: 5

Sys423239_nameLakeside Sacrum
Sys423239_szquest_accept_detailThere is a statue in the middle of the lake that is sacred to the people of [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor], but since those refugees, I don't want to think about that tragedy.\n\nGod, this is a nightmare!\nThey are disrespectful to the statue on the island, and actually dare to destroy it? I can't forgive their actions, but I don't want two Centaur factions to go to war over this. Please help me get the [207184|Statue Remains].\nYou will be blessed by [115375|Karebas] for this.
Sys423239_szquest_complete_detailThank you for your help. Now I can move the remnants of the statue to an untouched piece of land.
Sys423239_szquest_descHelp [115056|Pious Villager] get 10 pieces of [<S>207184|Statue Remains].
Sys423239_szquest_uncomplete_detailToo disrespectful. I hope they don't offend [115375|Karebas]...