result count: 15

SC_423256_0Please don't think about attacking the Chupura here, I have a way to pacify them...
SC_423256_1Don't stray too far from me.
SC_423256_2This section of road isn't too long, we'll be there in a few minutes.
SC_423256_3Ok we're here, your companion is at the front.
SC_423256_ACT0Master Toni, please wait for me!
SC_423256_ACT2[$playername], me and Master [115108|Toni] will go first, you'll be able to find us later at the entrance of [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley].
SC_423256_R0Just now a woman and young child ran into [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley]. Did you see them?
SC_423256_R1Yes I did, they were attacked by a large group of Chupura, it was so frightening!
SC_423256_R2I told them not to get too close, but that kid just didn't take me seriously.
SC_423256_R3Well, there's nothing that can be done. Since they were already warned but still determined to risk it, we can't be blamed for not being able to save them.
Sys423256_nameExploring the Secrets of Chupura Valley
Sys423256_szquest_accept_detailLook, after [115302|Reuen von Jura] failed to defeat the beasts in [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley], [115304|Marachi] stayed in [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle] as a savior. Now she's a consul in the castle. After recovering from severe injuries, [115302|Reuen von Jura] is behaving abnormally, very much unlike his image as a hero.\n\n[$playername], there must be something important hidden in [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley]. If we can find it, we may be able to find a way to resolve the situation in [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle] without sending troops.\n\nHa, I'm so smart. Let's go explore [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley]!
Sys423256_szquest_complete_detailYou're here, Night Owl and [115085|Morning Star's] friend.\n\nYour companions just tried to barge into [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley]. They were injured and frightened, but they're ok now. They're resting in the valley.
Sys423256_szquest_descGo to [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley] and meet up with [115273|Toni] and [115137|Iswan Giant], and find out why [115302|Reuen von Jura] was defeated.
Sys423256_szquest_uncomplete_detailHmm...secret of the treasure...