result count: 11

SC_423263_1My God... Listen... Screams of people being ripped to shreds by a fiend dragon...
SC_423263_2What's that deal? Where did so many people who don't fear death come from? One after another they march to their deaths... Two came but a moment a go and just like that, here comes another bunch now...
SC_423263_3Haha... So pleased to meet all of you who join us at the "Fort of No Return"...
SC_423263_4If they can smash through those formidable guardians, then surely they can help us get out of here, right? Right?
SC_423263_5Don't waste your time with futile struggle. It's no use... Once seized and thrown into this abyss, nobody gets out alive... Don't be foolish.
SC_423263_6Don't... Don't say such things... If we can get out of here in one piece... I mean, who among you doesn't want to escape? We've waited so long for an opportunity like this to come knocking...
Sys423263_nameScreams from the Stronghold
Sys423263_szquest_accept_detailDid you hear that? \nIt was a scream, it seemed to come from the [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle]. \n\nWhat happened that people would let out such a scream of agony?\n\nAnd after all it seems to be somewhere so close to us... This is the first time I have heard the sound of somebody crying like that. [115104|Drake Angerfang] was right - I HAVE been too sheltered, and I've never seen real blood and pain. \n\nAs king, I swear to never be that ignorant again! \n\nGo, enter [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle] and uncover the blood-stained truth!
Sys423263_szquest_complete_detailI don't believe it! So many cages, why would the ruler here want to inflict this much suffering upon his people?
Sys423263_szquest_descEnter [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle] to find out where the screams are coming from and meet up with [115099|Toni].\n(You might find these people in the cages to the right of [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle's] main gate.)
Sys423263_szquest_uncomplete_detailGo, enter [ZONE_WARNORKEN_FORT|Warnorken Castle] and uncover the blood-stained truth!