result count: 18

SC_423270_0Is there something you want to say to us?
SC_423270_00Yes! Let me consider for a moment where to start... The old me didn't understand the purpose behind Lance's words...\n\nNow, I want to take responsibility for my path.
SC_423270_1My abilities of self-preservation are insufficient, and in times of crisis they fail me. Compared to the first king who would personally charge into battle and assault the enemy position, I am meek.
SC_423270_10Indeed, the loyalty that [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] displays for the king will not waiver. If another decision must be made, it will be arrived upon with the utmost care to once again show life its due respect.
SC_423270_2Carelessness leads to trouble, of this I am sure. Thank you for your stalwart commitment to easing my burden of leadership. Your advice is much appreciated, particularly the advice of the Elven King. It has allowed me to see the world from a different perspective.
SC_423270_3The will to live runs deep still through the descendants of the ancestors. In your eyes, are these difficult times enough to give way to fear?
SC_423270_4Deal with it well, and there is no need to fear difficult times.
SC_423270_5This Limon Canine, Drake Angerfang, behaves like an enemy yet leaves us warnings... Whether friend or foe, you definitely exert an influence in this matter.
SC_423270_6I understand... While his ultimate goal in provoking us remains unclear, he raises several points that demand clarification. There is truly no difference between standing aside and feigning ignorance, and killing people with your own hands.
SC_423270_7[115150|Hettie Giant], Lady of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], your staunch loyalty towards [ZONE_DAELANIS|Dalanis] merits praise.
SC_423270_8I have heard of the respect and love of life exhibited by the heroine [115262|Jenny Giant]. It was precisely because of these special qualities that the first king received her wholehearted assistance. We must do the same to ensure [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador's] continued existence.
SC_423270_9Don't do something you'll regret by letting this matter of the fake orders repeat itself.
SC_423270_SysUpon hearing, a slight smile appears on the face of [115484|Antaikolon].
Sys423270_nameCallaway's Realization
Sys423270_szquest_accept_detail[$playername], there is little doubt of the importance you and Iswan have had in this quest.\nWhen danger drew near, the Elven king, [114691|Night Owl], Ike, and the countless people of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] who assisted with the investigation were a tremendous asset in the fight against the enemy plot. \nWithout each and every one of you, this unfit king would have been unable to wage the battle on his own.\nThis is how the first king fought together with his companions during the Great Banishment, and I believe I am feeling a small part of the trust and joy that they too must have felt. \nLance once said that everyone must take responsibility for their actions. \nThere's something I need to tell you.
Sys423270_szquest_complete_detailWithout this journey, I would probably still be the same smug, sorry excuse for a king. You have all brought me to my senses, and I have realized how much there is I need to learn.
Sys423270_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] Palace to hear King [115485|Callaway's] speech.
Sys423270_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease allow to take responsibility for my actions - there is something I need to tell you.