result count: 4

Sys423293_szquest_accept_detailJ'espère qu'avec tout le travail accompli à [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], la [ZONE_SOUTH_JENOTAR_FOREST|Forêt méridionale de Janost] retrouvera sa prospérité d'antan. Mais il y a encore de nombreux obstacles sur notre chemin.\n\nJ'ai le sentiment que ce [115600|Limon] que nous avons rencontré dans la [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Vallée de Chupura] essayait de me piéger... Je n'y ai pas pensé plus que ça pendant qu'il me harcelait, mais à mon retour à [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], plus j'y pensais, plus cela me semblait étrange. J'ai donc décidé de suivre ce [115600|Limon] et de voir ce qu'il nous réserve exactement.\n\nD'après [115596|Iswan], [115600|Limon] aurait pénétré dans la [ZONE_NORTHERN_JANOST_FOREST|Forêt Septentrionale de Janost]. [$PLAYERNAME], nous partirons devant, vous nous retrouverez en chemin.I hope that with all the hard work of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador], [ZONE_SOUTH_JENOTAR_FOREST|Southern Janost Forest] will regain its former prosperity. However, there are still many obstacles in our way. I have a feeling that the [115600|Limon] we bumped into in [ZONE_CHEPERT_VALLEY|Chupura Valley] was trying to trick me into going somewhere... I didn't think about it too much while he was trying to rattle me, but once I'd arrived back in [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] the more I thought about it the stranger it seemed. So now I've decided to follow that [115600|Limon] and see what it is he's got up his sleeve exactly. [115596|Iswan] said the [115600|Limon] may have entered [ZONE_NORTHERN_JANOST_FOREST|Northern Janost Forest]. Squire [$playername], we'll go on ahead and you can meet up with us on the way.
Sys423293_szquest_complete_detailNon, vous n'êtes pas en retard. [115596|Iswan] et moi avons exploré la zone. Voici ce que nous avons découvert.No you're not late. [115596|Iswan] and I have searched the area, let me tell you what we found.
Sys423293_szquest_descRetrouvez [115594|Toni] dans la [ZONE_NORTHERN_JANOST_FOREST|Forêt Septentrionale de Janost].Meet up with [115594|Toni] in [ZONE_NORTHERN_JANOST_FOREST|Northern Janost Forest].