result count: 5
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys423306_name | Naturaleza corrupta | Corruption of Nature |
Sys423306_szquest_accept_detail | No sabemos qué les ha ocurrido a los [<S>115601|Elfos de Jyr'na] exactamente, pero pudimos notar una fuerza corrupta que emanaba del [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Bosque de Jyr'nathon], la cual llegó a corromper todo el [ZONE_NORTHERN_JANOST_FOREST|Bosque Norte de Janost].\n\nEn cuanto esa fuerza se empezó a expandir hacia fuera, toda la vida salvaje empezó a desaparecer del bosque. No podíamos detenerlo de ninguna manera, ya que no sabíamos qué hacer. \n\nForastero, si de veras sois el elegido, tenéis que ayudarnos a eliminar este poder malvado.\n\nPor favor, id al [ZONE_JYRNA_SANCTUARY|Santuario de Jyr'na] y encontrad el origen de esta fuerza corruptora. | We don't know what exactly happened to the [<S>115601|Jyr'na Elves], but we could sense a corruptive force emanating from the [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest] which eventually began to corrupt all [ZONE_NORTHERN_JANOST_FOREST|Northern Janost Forest].\n\nAs soon as the force began to spread outwards, all wildlife seemed to disappear from [ZONE_NORTHERN_JANOST_FOREST|Northern Janost Forest]. We were powerless to stop it, we simply didn't know what to do to dissipate it. \n\nOutsider, if you really are the chosen one then you must help us overcome this evil.\n\nPlease, go to the [ZONE_JYRNA_SANCTUARY|Sanctuary of Jyr'na] and find the source of this corruptive force. |
Sys423306_szquest_complete_detail | ¿Pudisteis sentir la fuerza corruptora sobre todo cuando estuvisteis en el [ZONE_JYRNA_SANCTUARY|Santuario de Jyr'na]?\n\nTal y como pensaba, la degeneración de los Elfos está estrechamente relacionada con este poder malvado.\n\nPero no sé cómo podemos detener esta fuerza tan corrosiva. | You could feel the corruptive force the most when you were at the [ZONE_JYRNA_SANCTUARY|Sanctuary of Jyr'na]?\n\nIt's just like I thought, the fall of the Elves and this evil power are closely connected.\n\nBut what can be done to halt the spread of this corrosive force? |
Sys423306_szquest_desc | Ayudad a [115582|Hanches] y dirigíos al [ZONE_JYRNA_SANCTUARY|Santuario de Jyr'na] para descubrir cuál es el origen de la fuerza malvada. | Help [115582|Hanches] by going to the [ZONE_JYRNA_SANCTUARY|Sanctuary of Jyr'na] and finding the source of the corruptive force. |
Sys423306_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Si [115628|Raksha] aún se encuentra con nosotros, que nos proteja... Por favor, que proteja nuestro bosque. | If [115628|Raksha] is still with us, please protect us... Please protect our forest. |