result count: 5

Sys423309_nameEl Elfo de Jyr'na secuestradoThe Kidnapped Jyr'na Elf
Sys423309_szquest_accept_detailHe de advertiros acerca del [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Bosque de Jyr'nathon].\n\nPodemos suponer que si los Elfos abandonan el bosque, el poder maligno que los afecta se desvanecerá.\n\nQuizá podamos intentar atrapar a un [103992|Mago élfico Jyr'na] del [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Bosque de Jyr'nathon] para comprobar qué le ocurre cuando sale del bosque.\n\nIré a informar al Gran Cazador y a la jefa [115593|Lashana] sobre nuestro experimento. \n\nPuede que la jefa no se muestre a favor, pero si el Gran Cazador y otros habitantes piensan que es una buena idea, tendrá que ceder.I have some advice to give you about [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest].\n\nWe can assume that when the Elves are out of the forest, the evil power's affect on them will disappear.\n\nSo maybe we can try and get a [103992|Jyr'na Elven Mage] from [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest], and see what will happen to him once he's out of the forest.\n\nI will go and inform the Great Hunter and Chief [115593|Lashana] of our experiment. \n\nThe Chief might not approve, but if the Great Hunter and other citizens think it's a good idea then she might be forced to accept.
Sys423309_szquest_complete_detailNo le hagáis daño, tan solo le hemos pedido que nos "ayude" con nuestra investigación. No se trata de un prisionero.\n\nLe pediré al héroe de [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] que se lo entregue a [115596|Iswan]. Tengo otra misión para vos.Don't hurt him, we've asked him to "assist" us with the investigation. He is not a prisoner.\n\nI will ask the hero of [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] to bring him to [115596|Iswan]. I have another task for you.
Sys423309_szquest_descTraed a un [103992|Mago élfico Jyr'na] del [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Bosque de Jyr'nathon] hasta [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] y buscad a [115682|Toni].Bring a [103992|Jyr'na Elven Mage] from [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest] to [ZONE_ANGAREN|Angren] and find [115682|Toni].
Sys423309_szquest_uncomplete_detailEl Gran Cazador, que recomendó no usar la violencia para combatir la violencia, está de acuerdo con nuestro plan, y a la jefa [115593|Lashana] no le queda más remedio que aceptar. Alguien tan inteligente como ella no puede permitirse el lujo de alterar a su pueblo en los tiempos que corren, sobre todo si se opusiera al "[115629|Ungad]".The Great Hunter, who said himself not to fight violence with violence, agrees with our plan, and Chief [115593|Lashana] has no choice but to accept. Someone as intelligent as her would not risk upsetting her people in such volatile times, especially were she to go against the "[115629|Ungad]".