result count: 15

SC_423314_1The last time we spoke of this was to look for power, but why search for power?
SC_423314_10Yes...I really don't remember...My mind...blocked...power...addiction...go[ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest]
SC_423314_2I'm...not sure...My memory's hazy...I just know that everyone's like this...As for one's one's angry...purpose...not sure ...
SC_423314_3Is it for your home?
SC_423314_4No...[ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest] is full of Nature's need...not for home.
SC_423314_5Is it for your people?
SC_423314_6No...Elven race...always respected nature...Nature not the enemy...Live in harmony...not for our people.
SC_423314_7Is it for world peace?
SC_423314_8No...more peace than before...not for peace.
SC_423314_9Can't you remember?
Sys423314_nameThe Elven Quest For Power
Sys423314_szquest_accept_detailSearching for magical power? \n\nThe Elves are a race that is very close to nature and they wouldn't stray down such dark paths if it would damage the natural order. \n\nIf they started ignoring the laws of nature and interfering with the [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest], there must be a reason behind it. Those [<S>115601|Jyr'na Elves] are still hiding something from us, we need to find out what it is. \n\nSquire [$playername], I hope you can continue with your enquiries and get [115648|Fenmeer] to reveal why the [<S>115601|Jyr'na Elves] started delving into this dark energy.
Sys423314_szquest_complete_detailIt seems that after leaving [ZONE_JYRNATHERIN_FOREST|Jyr'nathon Forest] the effects of the dark energy do not wear off that quickly. We should wait a bit longer, maybe he'll start remembering more. But if he is under the influence of other companions, then maybe he doesn't know anything. Do you think we need to resort to more extreme measures? \n\nNo, we should think of other means instead of causing more trouble.
Sys423314_szquest_descFollow [115645|Toni's] order, and ask [115648|Fenmeer] about why the [<S>115601|Jyr'na Elves] are seeking power.
Sys423314_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf we can find out the reasons behind it all, we might be able to find another way for the Elves to achieve their goal. Then their actions wouldn't have an impact on [ZONE_ANGAREN_FOREST|Angren Forest].